Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another View of the Paranormal State

Another way to view the paranormal--think of it as if you would view the moon made out of Swiss cheese, with millions of tiny little holes all over it; and the holes go right through the moon, or, even channel into it, and channels meet up with other holes--these are portals, and open into other parts of that moon. Or in science, the paranormal is much like what science calls a worm hole--entities move within the paranormal, much the like scientist view outer space and bending space in order travel to other universes.

Al Capone's Ghost

Al Capone's Ghost

Demon Hiding in the Bushes

Demon Hiding in the Bushes
Demon Hiding in The Bushes

Demon Hiding in the Bushes

Demon Hiding in the Bushes

About Me

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Louis Gallo Author "Al Capone The Last Days: A Terror Haunting," I think Al Capone was physically & mentally stressed by a terror haunting--scared and stressed by demons(Ghosts) who haunted him to his death.

